As a fifteen-year-old young man, James Miller utilized his gifts and talents to construct this wooden truck, trailer, and bulldozer, then donated them to a Haiti Benefit Auction. At 4 ft. in length, the model is constructed from oak, walnut, and cherry wood. The workmanship is precise and beautifully detailed. Could he have imagined that 21 years later he would see it again and be made aware that it will continue to bless the work of Water for Life in a mighty way?
A young family who has traveled to Haiti numerous times purchased this toy in 1996 at a Haiti Benefit Auction. They have seen firsthand the significance of clean water in Haiti. Most important is better health for the people, but water also provides increased and healthier livestock, vegetable gardens, and even better housing.
Recently God has placed a vision and urging on their hearts to donate this toy to Water for Life to again generate funds to drill more wells in Haiti. With the generous support of several individuals, they have raised $30,000 to be used as matching funds.
Water for Life would like to invite you, our faithful supporters, to also donate $30,000 towards drilling wells. Then these matching funds will turn your donations into $60,000. Each contribution, large or small, will allow your name to be put into a box. On November 15 one name will be drawn out and that person will receive the truck and bulldozer to enjoy!
The family who had first purchased this model dozer set searched for and reached out to find James. He was delighted to hear of this offering. The concept that 12 new wells would serve over 4,000 people, changing their lives on a daily basis, is exciting! We are asking you to celebrate and honor the love and compassion of a 15-year-old whose time and generosity will continue to bless the work of ministering to our friends in Haiti for many years to come.
Please send your donations toward this project and earmark it “Bulldozer for Wells”.
May God bless this project!