Esterline is 9 years old; she lives in the mountains nearby the village of Larivyè Kizin in Petit Goâve. Along with her two friends, she must regularly carry home a three-gallon jug weighing more than 20 lbs. on her head.

Esterline didn’t have much time to play; the water was heavy and took her most of the day to be brought back home from the river. When her little sister got sick from the bad water, Esterline had to stay home to help her mother. This was one more reason for her to miss school.

Recently a well was drilled in her village. “I am Happy!” Esterline shared; she will not have to walk too far to bring water home. The water from the well is so much better than the old water from the river. She can now enjoy more time to play with friends and even hope of having time to attend school this coming year.

Esterline thanks her benefactors for their generosity.

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Water For Life. P.O. Box 456, Kalona, IA 52247.  Or you can give online.

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Water For Life in Haiti

Water For Life's mission is to provide clean drinking water, irrigation for farming opportunities, education and other means of assistance to the Haitian people.

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